Ensuring Perfect Lighting Conditions For Your Mushroom Crops

Ensuring Perfect Lighting Conditions For Your Mushroom Crops

Mushrooms are an important crop for many people, both for their culinary uses and for their medicinal benefits. However, if they are not grown correctly, mushrooms can be difficult to cultivate and may not produce the desired yield or quality. One of the most important factors in growing mushrooms correctly is ensuring that they are getting the exact right amount of light. In this article, we will discuss the best ways to ensure that mushrooms receive the correct amount of light for optimal growth.

The first step in ensuring mushrooms are getting the exact right amount of light is to understand the different types of light that can be used for mushroom cultivation. While natural sunlight is the most common light source for mushrooms, artificial light sources such as fluorescent and LED are also viable options. Natural sunlight is the most efficient and economical light source, but it is also the most difficult to control and regulate. Artificial light sources, on the other hand, can be adjusted more easily and precisely to provide the perfect light conditions for mushroom growth.


When using natural sunlight, it is important to understand the different types of light and how they affect mushroom growth. The intensity and spectrum of sunlight varies depending on the time of day and location, so it is important to consider the light conditions of the particular area in which the mushrooms are being grown. For example, in areas with high levels of sunlight, it is important to ensure that the mushrooms are getting enough shade in order to prevent them from becoming sunburned. On the other hand, in areas with low levels of sunlight, mushrooms may need to be supplemented with artificial light sources.


When using artificial light sources, the type of light used will also have an effect on mushroom growth. Fluorescent lights have a wide spectrum of light, but they are not as intense as LED lights. LED lights, on the other hand, are more intense and can be adjusted to provide the exact spectrum of light needed for optimum mushroom growth.

In addition to understanding the different types of light, it is also important to consider the amount of light the mushrooms will receive. The amount of light needed for optimal mushroom growth will vary depending on the type of mushrooms being grown, as well as the environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity. Generally speaking, mushrooms need between 12-16 hours of light per day in order to thrive. Too much light can cause mushrooms to become sunburned, while too little light will result in poor growth and low yields.

Once the type and amount of light needed for optimal mushroom growth has been determined, the next step is to ensure that the mushrooms are receiving the right amount of light. This can be done by using a light meter to measure the intensity of light the mushrooms are receiving. Light meters are available at most garden supply stores and online, and they are an essential tool for mushroom growers.

It is also important to understand the different phases of mushroom growth and how they affect the amount of light needed. During the vegetative phase, mushrooms need more light than they do in the reproductive phase. During the reproductive phase, mushrooms need less light as they will be producing spores and fruiting bodies.


Finally, it is important to ensure that the light source is stable and consistent. This means that the light should not be changed from day to day or from hour to hour. If the light source is changed too often, it can cause the mushrooms to become stressed and may result in poor growth or low yields.

By understanding the different types of light, the amount of light needed for optimal mushroom growth, and the importance of a stable and consistent light source, mushroom growers can ensure that their mushrooms are receiving the exact right amount of light for optimal growth. With the right light conditions, mushrooms can be grown successfully and can provide a high yield of both edible and medicinal mushrooms.

So, what should I use?

Well, if your growing environment is outdoors, sunlight is the obvious answer. It's free, plentiful, and unless you live in a kind of environment that is daylight constrained (think Alaska) then all you have to do is let nature take its course. Otherwise, mushrooms prefer indirect light, so it is best to use fluorescent or LED lights that can be placed close to the mushrooms but not directly overhead. Additionally, it is important to provide the mushrooms with some dark periods as well, so you may want to consider using a timer to cycle the lights on and off.

Remembering that daylight is easy, a good schedule for cycling lighting is 12 hours on and 12 hours off. This schedule can be adjusted depending on the specific needs of the mushrooms. For example, if the mushrooms need more light, you could increase the amount of time that the lights are on, and if the mushrooms need less light, you could reduce the amount of time that the lights are on.

Posted on 2022-12-25 by bmelton