DIY Mushroom Substrate for Maximum Yields

DIY Mushroom Substrate for Maximum Yields

Benefits of Growing Your Own Mushroom Substrate

  1. Cost Savings: Growing mushroom substrate is significantly cheaper than buying it pre-made.

  2. Personalization: You can tailor the substrate to the specific mushroom species you are growing.

  3. Quality: You can control the quality of the substrate, ensuring that it is free from contaminants.

  4. Versatility: You can use the same substrate for multiple types of mushrooms.

  5. Time Savings: You save time by not having to purchase and transport pre-made substrate.

  6. Sustainability: You are able to use recycled materials to create the substrate, reducing your environmental footprint.

Materials Needed

The most common materials needed for mushroom substrate growing are listed below. You may opt out of some of them, or make substitutions as you gain experience, but our recipe uses all of these in equal proportion. Here's a quick overview of what they're for and what purpose they server.

-Sawdust: This is the main ingredient used in mushroom substrate growing, as it is high in cellulose and provides a food source for the mushrooms.

-Straw: This is added to the sawdust to provide additional structural support and nutrition.

-Compost: This provides additional nutrients to the substrate, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as beneficial microorganisms.

-Gypsum: This is used to reduce the acidity of the substrate, making it more hospitable to the mushrooms.

-Coffee grounds: This provides additional food for the mushrooms, as well as additional nitrogen and minerals.

-Vermiculite: This is used to help retain moisture in the substrate, which is essential for mushroom growth.

-Lime: This is added to the substrate to reduce acidity and improve the pH balance, making it more hospitable for mushroom growth.

Putting it all together

  1. Gather the necessary materials: sawdust, straw, compost, gypsum, coffee grounds, vermiculite, and lime.

  2. Mix the sawdust, straw, and compost together in a ratio of 2:1:1.

  3. Add the gypsum, coffee grounds, vermiculite, and lime in a ratio of 1:1:1:1.

  4. Mix the ingredients together until they are thoroughly combined.

  5. Place the mixture into a container and moisten it with water until it is damp but not wet.

  6. Place the container in a warm, dark, and humid environment, such as a basement or closet.

  7. Monitor the substrate to ensure that it remains damp but not wet.

  8. Once the substrate has colonized, it is ready for inoculation with mushroom spawn.

  9. Monitor the substrate to ensure optimal fruiting conditions.

  10. Harvest the mushrooms when they are mature and enjoy!


In conclusion, creating your own mushroom substrate is an easy and cost-effective way to grow mushrooms at home. Not only is the process relatively straightforward, but it also offers the benefits of cost savings, personalization, quality control, versatility, and sustainability. With the right materials, a few hours of work, and the right environmental conditions, you can create the perfect substrate for maximum yields of delicious mushrooms. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today and unlock the benefits of growing your own mushrooms with DIY substrate!

Posted on 2023-01-03 by bmelton